Sprint Completion Report

Sprint Completion Report

Here we are continuing our example of Wowhotels. Click here for User Stories for Wowhotels. The purpose of Sprint’s completion report is to inform all the stakeholders about the work team has completed in the Sprint. By sharing this sheet, the Agile team informs all the stakeholders about the work team has completed in last sprint. So, our Completion report should be very smart which conveys the exact progress in a very crisp way.

Here is a sample template that you can use in your project for sprint commitment. It has 8 sections.
1. Title Bar: The title bar is used to show the Sprint number as well as the status of the project based upon the release perspective. The Colour of the Status bar also sends a different signal like.
2. Green – Project is on track
3. Orange – Some issues are there. The project needs some attention.
4. Red – Project is at risk. The project needs serious attention.
5. Objective Achieved: This section would show the stories those has been completed in the last sprint.
6. Objective Not Achieved: This section would show the stories those due to any reason not completed.
7. The Distractions: This section shows the Bugs/issues that have been picked and fixed by the team. Sprint reported issues and actual effort logged by the team also part of this
8. The point breakdown: This section showed the status of all stories as per status.
9. Sprint Velocity: This section shows the velocity of the team
10. Risk/Issues: Here we report the visible Risks in the project
11. Decisions/Action Items: This section shows the decision team took to get improve or shows the future action item team would work on.

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