Enterprise Agreement

Enterprise Agreement

Enterprise Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into byand between XX , Inc., a YY corporation referred to as seller and the customer specified on this Cover Page (“Customer”). In consideration of the mutual promises contained In this Agreement, SELLER and Customer agree to all terms of the Agreement effective as of the date the last party signs this Agreement (the “Effective Date”).

List of the things you can get from the attached document:

  • Use of the Service Offerings
  • Changes.
  • Privacy and Security.
  • Customer Responsibilities
  • Fees and Payment.
  • Temporary Limitation of Access end Use Rights
  • Term; Termination.
  • Proprietary Rights.
  • Third-Party Claims.
  • SELLER Warranties and Warranty Disclaimers.
  • limitations of liability.
  • Miscellaneous.
  •  Definitions.

For more information about the Enterprise, Agreement download the sample agreement template